Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 5- What Color is Your Parachute Chapter 3

The hunt for jobs seems like a daunting task for most people looking for new opportunities in the world. In most cases, it seems like it is the employer against the applicants, trying their best to eliminate anyone that doesn’t fit the company as quickly and easy as possible. Although it may feel that way, the applicants are not powerless and actually have a lot of power in the job hunting process.

In the book What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles, Bolles discusses how an interview is not just the employer choosing candidates by asking questions, but also an opportunity for the applicant to ask the employer questions to see if it is the right fit for them.

“The job-hunt is a conversation--a two-way conversation--wherein your opinion matters as much as the employer’s,” writes Bolles, “That has always been true. Always will be.”

The interview or even the job-hunting process should never be one person against the world. Applicants should conduct research, ask questions, look for assistance and do as much as they can before they start applying to the job, to be assured that the position is a good fit.

Once that is completed and they are granted an interview, do not allow the employer to control the interview, they want to hear from you. Discuss your best skills, things that they will not be able to see on a resume, and do not be afraid to ask questions during the interview. Once you understand that you have control in the process, the job hunt will become much easier.  

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